Is ozone harmful to humans?
In high concentrations, ozone can cause harmful reactions, particularly to the respiratory system. There are federal safety standards limiting the amount of ozone that can be released into the air. Our products are designed to be well within those standards when used properly.
People have different reactions to ozone exposure. In some people, lower levels of ozone may cause dryness of mouth, eye or nasal irritation and mild headaches. If this occurs, move the person to fresh air and/or wash eyes gently with water. If conditions persist, seek medical attention as appropriate.
What are the typical odors killed by ozone?
Ozone is one of nature’s most powerful oxidizers and has been used as an organic cleaner for years. Nearly all bottled water is treated with ozone and many municipal water systems around the world use ozone to treat drinking water. In addition, ozone is used by hotel management and disaster recovery firms to eliminate odors caused by smoke or water damage.
We have tested our products using common smells like sweat, smoke, food, animal scents (including skunk). Ozone was shown to be effective at eliminating or killing these smells and organisms.
Does ozone have a smell?
Ozone has an odor somewhat similar to chlorine, detectable at fairly low levels of concentration. As ozone is exposed to air it quickly reverts to ordinary oxygen so its smell dissipates quickly.
How do I know how long to use a particular product to eliminate smell?
Over time, we have modified our generators to run for a maximum time of 30 minutes for one application. In most situations, this will clean and disinfect your gear. If smells are more ingrained in the fabrics or materials, you may need to use the generator for more than one cycle. We strongly recommend that you allow the unit to remain undisturbed for an amount of time equal to the run time prior to opening and then allowing fresh air to be exposed to your gear, before beginning another cycle. This process will reduce some of the potential negative impacts on the materials.
How does ozone affect clothing or other materials?
The short answer is that we haven’t seen significant impacts on the materials typically used in garments after applying ozone for normal periods of time at typical intervals.
While we would love to say ozone has no effect on clothing or other materials found in law enforcement or tactical gear, our testing has shown that, much like ordinary laundry, ozone does have some impact over time. For example, we designed a test to determine whether clothing subjected to high ozone exposure over a relatively short period of time would deteriorate. While the materials and fabrics used didn’t suffer significantly from a structural standpoint, the darker fabrics did see some fading at the end of this unusually prolonged test, similar to what impact that regularly laundering the products would have.
How about water proof rubber boots? I’ve heard that ozone can harm elastic or rubber items.
We do not recommend using the Odor Crusher products to treat bibs or boots with significant elastic content or rubber content. Ozone can harm certain elastics and rubber products.
Will Odor Crusher products work to eliminate odors like gasoline or other chemicals?
The short answer is yes, but it will very likely take longer and require more ozone exposure to eliminate the odor. Odor Crusher products were designed to eliminate the odor caused by contaminants that occurs while participating in typical duty activities. In the case of chemical-caused odors, the break-down of the odor causing elements will take longer since products like gasoline and fuel have much more complex chemical compositions. The effectiveness of the product and the time required to eliminate the smell will also vary greatly depending on the extent and exact nature of the chemical exposure.
Can I use Odor Crusher products to eliminate odors from athletic equipment and clothing?
Again the answer is yes. Depending on how long your gear has been used and the nature of the clothing or equipment, the cleaning process may take longer due to the accumulation of odor. For example, your one-year-old running shoes that have hundreds of miles on them will very likely take several cycles in an Odor Crusher bag or closet to get good results initially.
Can I use the Ozone Go while driving my patrol vehicle?
As a precaution, we do not recommend being in the vehicle when the Ozone Go or Go Max is operating. While the unit does not generate ozone at extremely high levels, some people experience a mild headache and minor nasal discomfort when exposed to the lower levels of ozone present while the unit is operating.
Can I use the Gear or Roller Bag inside a vehicle using the car plug while I am traveling in the vehicle?
The Odor Crusher bags are coated to prevent excessive seepage of ozone into the surrounding area. While you will likely smell a small amount of ozone, it should not be enough to cause any impact on the occupants of the vehicle. Some people are impacted more by ozone than others. If you do experience a mild headache or nasal discomfort, simply open the windows slightly or discontinue using for a period of time.
Can I completely fill a bag or closet with clothing or gear and get the same results when treating just a few items?
You should achieve best results by filling the bag or closet to roughly 50% capacity. This will allow the ozone to circulate freely around the contents. Smaller loads can also be effectively treated, but you may be able to run the generator for a shorter period of time to achieve good results. If you have more clothes or gear to be treated than will easily fit in the bag or closet, we recommend running multiple loads
Where are the hoses supposed to be placed inside the bags and backpacks?
The hoses are flexible and long enough that you can place them where you wish. Best results are achieved when the end of the hose is not obstructed and placed on top of the items in the bag or near the top of the backpack.
Are the generators in the Odor Crusher items TSA compliant?
Based on our review of the Transportation Security Administration’s Prohibited Items list, the ozone generators would not be prohibited as carry-on items. The prohibited items list is available at
Can the Odor Crusher generator be used as a stand-alone air treatment unit?
The generator was not designed to be used in that manner. It was designed to deliver an appropriate amount of ozone to kill odor on clothing and duty gear within a closed, lined container.
What is ozone?
Ozone, (O3), sometimes called “activated oxygen”, contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms we normally breathe. Ozone is the second most powerful sterilizer in the world and can be used to destroy odors. Interestingly ozone occurs quite readily in nature, most often as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact, the “fresh, clean, spring rain” smell that we notice after a storm most often results from nature’s creation of ozone. However, we are probably most familiar with ozone from reading about the “ozone layer” that circles the planet above the earth’s atmosphere. Here ozone is created by the sun’s ultra-violet rays. This serves to protect us from the ultra-violet radiation.
How does ozone work?
The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely reactive. This atom readily attaches itself to other odor molecules. When contaminants such as odors make contact with ozone, their chemical structure is changed to less odorous compounds. As more ozone attacks the remaining compounds, the odor is eventually destroyed. This process is called oxidation. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant.
How is ozone produced?
There are basically two methods of producing ozone…ultra-violet and corona discharge. Corona discharge creates ozone by applying a high voltage to a metallic grid sandwiched between two dielectrics. The high voltage passes through the dielectric to a grounded screen/plate and in the process, creates ozone from oxygen present in the chamber. Ultra-violet (UV) light creates ozone when a wavelength at 254 nm (nano-meters) hits an oxygen atom. Both processes split oxygen molecules into single oxygen atoms (O). These atoms combine with another oxygen molecule (O2) to form ozone (O3).
How long does the ozone last?
As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispersed in a container or room, it will start to revert back to oxygen. This step occurs by several processes including the following: Oxidation reactions with an organic material such as odors or smoke. Additionally, ozone breaks down thermally. Higher temperatures destroy ozone quicker than lower temperatures. The ozone that remains is referred to as Residual ozone. “Residual” ozone created will return to oxygen usually within 30 minutes, in amounts equal to half its level. What this means is that after each subsequent 30 minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present at the beginning of the period. In practice, the half-life is usually less than 30 minutes due to temperature, dust, and other contaminants in the air. Therefore, ozone, while very powerful, doesn’t last long. It does its job and then disappears back into safe oxygen.
Will the odor come back?
No. If ozone is applied properly it destroys the source of the odor. Treatment times may vary depending on the strength of the odor but 98% of ozone treatments are successful. In the case of mildew, the odor will return if you are unable to get rid of the moisture that is the source of the mildew.
What is the right level of ozone?
The right level is when all the generated ozone is being consumed. This only applies to continuous ozone use in occupied environments not for shock treating. However, this is difficult to attain because it becomes a balancing act. Initially the machine’s output is set high to get rid of the problem odor as quickly as possible. As this is being accomplished less
ozone is required for the diminishing odor etc., thereby leaving some residual ozone in the air.
Is ozone harmful and what, if any, are the long term effects?
Ozone was discovered almost a two centuries ago, so a great deal is known about it. Several regulatory agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), have stipulated that the safe allowable level of residual is 0.1 ppm (parts per million). Note that this permissible level is for continuous exposure throughout an entire 8 hour day. The temporary effects of such a low exposure would range from headaches to sore throats, irritation in the eyes, and nose. No long term effects have ever been documented from ozone exposure.
Is ozone safe?
Ozone is safe if used correctly. However, high concentrations of ozone can cause health problems if proper safety measures are not taken.
Is the Ozone Armor Clean system designed to clean only your armor carrier or can I place the entire vest in the bag with the panels intact?
The owner’s manual for the Ozone Armor Clean follows the NIJ 0101.06 guidelines for cleaning armor carriers:
- Remove the panels from the carrier, along with trauma packs or plates. Wipe the outer panel cover and trauma plates using a damp sponge or soft cloth and cold water. Air-dry the panels flat, avoid folding or creasing the armor while it dries.
- Never dry soft armor panels outside, even in the shade, as exposure to ultraviolet light is known to cause degradation of certain types of ballistic materials.
- Refrain from rinsing, soaking, submerging or spraying the armor panels. Any smudges, marks, or soiling remaining on the outer covering should not harm the armor panel integrity.
- Armor panels and trauma packs should remain outside the carrier during ozone treatment.